We list Wedding venues, Wedding caterers, Wedding photographers, Bridal Makeup, Bridal Mehendi, DJs, Artists, Wedding event planners and all kinds of Wedding related services.
Check the vendor list and select 3 vendors of your choice amongst the list provided.
 Contact us with your top three choices and we will connect you to all 3 vendors so that you can have the best for your big day.
"I needed a reliable and professional make up person for my wedding. Wedlistings proved to be a boon for me and I was very happy with my overall look in the wedding. Ghatkopar,Mumbai "
"Getting a hindu priest for my daughter’s wedding was difficult for me since the wedding venue was in Mumbai and we did not know many people here. Wedlistings provided us with an option of three priests and we could select the one which suited us and who could conduct the ceremony as per our expectations. Good job by their team. Andheri,Mumbai"
"We had a simple ceremony and wanted a professional who could drape the nine yards saree (South Indian way) well and could also provide jewellery for one event. Wedlistings co-ordinated with us and introduced us to this professional saree draping lady. Very good experience. Chembur,Mumbai"